Animal Hospital of Salinas
1114 South Main Street
Salinas, CA 93901
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Phone: (831) 424–5707
Animal Hospital of Salinas clients, patients, and staff are our family so we’re focused on doing everything needed to keep our family safe and healthy. We want to assure you that we are taking extra measures to ensure the safety of our staff, patients, and clients. In addition, we’re using recommended cleaning, personal protective equipment, and physical distancing guidelines to minimize the possibility of transmitting the coronavirus to you or your family members and amongst our staff.
The following are our veterinary services protocols in accordance with the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC), American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), and California Veterinary
Medical Association (CVMA) recommendations.
Thank you for understanding that all of these changes were implemented to make sure your pet families and veterinary care professionals stay healthy. We’ll keep you informed when any of these protocols change or if additional ones are needed.
Revised 8/20/2021