How Can I Help My Pet Lose Weight?

As pet owners, we want our furry friends to live long, healthy lives. However, just like humans, pets can become overweight or obese, which can impact their quality of life and lead to health issues like diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease.

How to Recognize If Your Pet Is Overweight

It can be challenging to recognize if your pet is carrying extra pounds, especially if weight gain occurs gradually. Here are some signs to look out for:

•        Rib Check: You should be able to feel your pet’s ribs without pressing hard. If you can’t easily feel them, your pet may be overweight.

•        Waistline: From above, your pet should have a defined waist. If their body shape looks more like a rectangle or oval, this could be a sign of excess weight.

•        Abdominal Tuck: When viewed from the side, your pet's abdomen should slope upward behind the ribcage. If their belly hangs low or is level with their chest, they may be overweight.

•        Difficulty Moving: If your pet seems less active, tires easily during walks, or struggles to jump or climb stairs, weight may be a contributing factor.

If you're unsure about your pet's weight, bring them in for a consultation at Animal Hospital of Salinas. We can help assess your pet's body condition and recommend a healthy weight range based on their breed, age, and overall health.

How to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

Helping your pet lose weight requires commitment, but it’s worth it for their overall health and well-being. Here are some tips to get started:

•        Portion Control: Overfeeding is one of the most common causes of pet weight gain. Be sure to measure out food portions according to the instructions on your pet’s food label or based on your veterinarian’s recommendation. Avoid free-feeding and stick to a consistent feeding schedule.

•        Choose Nutrient-Dense Food: Ensure that your pet’s food is high in protein and nutrients while being low in unhealthy fats and calories. Opt for high-quality pet food that supports healthy weight loss.

•        Limit Treats: Treats should make up no more than 10% of your pet’s daily calorie intake. Choose low-calorie treats, or use healthy alternatives like small pieces of vegetables. Avoid giving table scraps or high-fat foods.

•        Increase Exercise: Regular physical activity is crucial for weight loss. Depending on your pet’s breed and energy level, aim for daily walks, playtime, or interactive toys that keep them moving. Gradually increase the intensity of exercise to avoid injury.

•        Monitor Progress: Regularly weigh your pet to track their progress. Small weight changes can have a significant impact, especially for smaller animals. Adjust food portions and exercise routines based on how your pet is responding.

Schedule a Consultation with Animal Hospital of Salinas

At Animal Hospital of Salinas, we understand that every pet is unique, and so is their weight loss journey. A consultation with one of our veterinarians will help you create a customized weight loss plan for your pet. We will assess your pet's current health, recommend the best food and exercise options, and schedule regular check-ups to monitor progress.

If you're concerned about your pet’s weight, schedule a consultation with Animal Hospital of Salinas. We can help your pet achieve and maintain a healthy weight, leading to a happier, more active life. Visit our office in Salinas, California, or call (831) 346-0600 to book an appointment today. For after regular business hours, please call (831) 899-4838 or (831) 373-7374.

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